Greatness is YOU.  You are someone’s dream come true.  I did NOT say you were perfect.  I did say you are Greatness and a Dream come true for your ancestors.  You ARE someone’s WHY.  REMEMBER You are someone’s Dream and Someone’s Why. 

Who is YOUR Why?  Think on That … What is Your Dream for YOUR Why … Do we forget at times? YES  What is your reminder of YOUR why?  What is your plan to have your dream become reality for your future?  Yes, It will be challenging, but You can do it. 

The journey is as important or sometimes more important than the destination.

Do NOT give UP on YOUR Dream.  Success is UPHILL, Good Things Are UPHILL, Your BETTER You is an UPHILL Grind.  Grind SMART and Grind HARD!!!  SMART Before Hard.

Write Down with paper and pen YOUR Dream YOUR Why and make the plan to get to that which you need to achieve. NOTE: the word Need!!! 

DO IT, my Great Friend!!!

B.E.N. ♤


Stop Tomorrow’s Regret Today


Today Is A Good Day